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Open Water Swimming at Williamstown

Williamstown Beach is one of the best venues in Melbourne and Port Phillip Bay for swimming.

During Spring and Summer, Coach Jason runs classes, lessons and swim groups for all levels of ability. You can learn to swim or transition from the pool to the open water.

During Winter, Jason runs a cold water swim group every Saturday.

There are four main open water swimming skills that you need to learn in order to transition from the pool to the sea.

These are:

1. Breathing for the open water

2. Sighting

3. Swimming Straight

4. Drafting or group swimming

Of course you need to get used to swimming in the sea and the whole new environment that presents.

You also need to have a good grasp of the basic freestyle swim skills and technique to deal with the waves, chop and conditions. Learners and people returning to swimming after years out of the water may need to consider coming to our pool lessons and classes.

There you will learn and practice the four basic swim skills:

1. Swimming breathing

2. Floating

3. Kicking

4. Efficient stroking

For people training for an open water event or a triathlon, you need to acclimate to the sea and develop endurance. There are also race skills that you can practice and master, like starting, drafting behind another swimmer, feeding and acclimating to colder water.

We swim at Williamstown Beach all year round. Our most popular swim group is the 9am Saturday group.

Meet us at the western end of the beach, near the rock wall/breakwater and the carpark behind Williamstown SLSC. Look out for our rainbow coloured caps and plenty of happy swimming people. Open water swimming is a great pastime for everyone, not just serious competitive types. We welcome all levels of ability and we support everyone who comes to join us.

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